News and events in Pittsfield, Mass.
City of Pittsfield: February flu clinics10:56AM / Friday, February 10, 2023 | | PITTSFIELD, Mass.— The city of Pittsfield's Health Department will be hosting two public flu clinics in Pittsfield for anyone seeking flu vaccinations. The first clinic will be held 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 14 at Epworth Arms Apartments, 350 West St. The second clinic will be held 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 16 at Capitol Square Apartments, 379 North St. Pre-registration is not required, but is available for each clinic via the following links: and Individuals 0 Comments Read More >> |
1Berkshire Receives Regional Economic Development Organization Grant08:20AM / Friday, February 10, 2023 | | PITTSFIELD, Mass. — 1Berkshire announced that it is the recipient of a $295,000 grant award through the Regional Economic Development Organization (REDO) grant program. This funding is made available because of statewide investments made by the Massachusetts Office of Business Development (MOBD) and the support of the Berkshire County Legislative Delegation. The funding from the REDO grant will help to sustain the ongoing work of the 1Berkshire Economic Development team's support of small businesses, implementation efforts associated with the Berkshire Blueprint 2.0, and the ongoing regional efforts to bolster the Berkshire economy. Additionally, as part of 0 Comments Read More >> |
Making the Loop | We had some free time this week to walk the 2-mile loop through the downtown. Here's a few of things that caught our eye. (In between taking photos, we were heel-toeing and arm-pumping as prescribed.)
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Let's Go Paperless | This is from Ward 6 Councilor John Krol's eblast today. His switch to digital immediately caught our attention. With the associated costs - nearly $4,000 a year for paper alone! - zipping councilors "the packet" (as we in the know like to call it) over the ether makes loads of sense.
Digital also means the average citizen gets far better access to these public documents than ever before. The city clerk's office has been diligent about posting meeting agendas and, where possible, relevant documents. So in terms of saving money and time and getting information out efficiently, digital is the way to go.
I would like to thank City Clerk Linda Tyer for agreeing to print out one less city council packet, as I have officially gone paperless for council meetings - which I hope will be a trend that can be extended throughout city government.
The bulky (and often, very bulky) city council packet that councilors use for a reference costs an average of $170 per meeting for paper alone. Add the additional costs of ink/toner, wear and tear on city hall copiers, and the time and energy of staff who put it all together - and a simple transition away from paper benefits everyone.
With the packet now fully digital in pdf form, all councilors, and everyone with an internet
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Berkshire Music School Kicks Off 2012 Classes With Open House | The open house featured a sample class, access to musical instruments, information for parents, refreshments ...and more than a few delighted squeals.
January 29, 2011
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Dozens of youths, many of them under the age of 5, attended an open house at the Berkshire Music School Saturday, as the educational nonprofit enters its 70th year at its 30 Wendell Avenue home.
The open house featured a sample class, access to musical instruments, information for parents, refreshments... and more than a few delighted squeals, proving once again the inherent interest in making a joyful noise is not generational, and will never go out of style.
The open house featured a Music for Preschoolers class, designed to "children’s awareness of rhythm, ability to sing and move creatively to music," which |
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"Holiday Pittsfield": Barrington Stage Opening House | Down on Union Street, Barrington Stage Company was hosting a holiday open house, an opportunity to look around the theatre, enjoy refreshments, and most importantly, speak to the clear headlining star of the weekend, Santa Claus.

In a quiet moment with the Man in Red, he said he was thrilled to be here, and was looking forward to hearing from many more children. Always gracious, Mr. Claus thanked iBerkshires for stopping by. Always pressed for appearances this time of year, Claus was slated to appear later that evening at the Colonial Theatre.

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