Crane Museum Opens Retail Store03:08PM / Monday, November 25, 2013 | |
DALTON, Mass. — The Crane Museum of Papermaking opens a new retail store on Tuesday, Nov. 26. Housed in what was formerly Crane's stainless steel fabrication shop, the space has been transformed into 500 square feet of retail, which is accessed through the museum.
"We're very excited about this project," said Crane Museum Director Peter Hopkins. "Almost without fail, visitors to the museum want to purchase Crane stationery. We're pleased to bring them a generous assortment."
The store is stocked with dozens of Crane's engraved holiday cards, as well as initial notes and cards,
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License Commission Approves River Street Package MoveBy John Durkan, 07:04AM / Wednesday, November 20, 2013 | |
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — Joseph Lora got the go-ahead from the License Commission to move his store, River Street Package, to the former Lopardos Package Store location.
The commission granted the move quickly on Tuesday evening and credited Lora with holding his license without issues.
"You've got your nose clean over there, I expect the same here," said Chairman Jeffrey Polluci.
Real estate agent Michael Hernandez said not much will change in the store's operation.
"There's not much in the change of the business, all the hours, licenses and everything are 0 Comments Read More >> |
North Adams Big Y Celebrates RenovationsBy John Durkan, 03:00PM / Friday, November 08, 2013 | |
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — Some of the changes at D'Amours Big Y have been obvious throughout the last couple months.
An aisle was knocked down at the entrance for an expanded produce section. Pizza and grinder stations and a soup bar have been set up at the back of the store. New cafe seating now exists on the east side.
The list of changes go on at the 47,000 square-foot store: new floors, motion-sensor energy-efficient lights on the now completely encased frozen food cases, new signage, new equipment, and new storage spaces for meat and dairy.
The renovations began at the beginning of September. Store Director 0 Comments Read More >> |

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