House Repeals 'Tech Tax'Staff Reports, 05:25PM / Wednesday, September 25, 2013 | |
BOSTON — The House of Representatives on Wednesday repealed the much maligned "tech tax" that had been part of the revenue package in this year's state budget.
The addition of the 6.25 percent sales tax to software and computer design services had been estimated to raise $161 million this fiscal year but ran into trouble when no one could adequately explain how it would be implemented. The state's high-tech industry revolted, saying the tax would cost jobs and that its wording was too vague.
"I'm proud of the House's vote today to repeal the so-called tech tax. Our vote sends a strong message to the world that Massachusetts is the place for
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Amazon to Collect Massachusetts Sales Tax Next Year10:13AM / Tuesday, December 11, 2012 | |
BOSTON — Massachusetts residents will have to pay a little more next holiday season for their online purchases.
Gov. Deval Patrick and Amazon announced on Tuesday an agreement for the online retail giant to collect and remit state sales taxes beginning next Nov. 1. According to the press statement, Amazon also plans to create hundreds of high-tech jobs in Massachusetts in coming years.
Online retailers for years have been under pressure to collect state sales taxes even if they don't have a physical presence in the state. Brick-and-mortar merchants say Web retailers failure to collect taxes puts them at a disadvantage, states that they're losing billions in
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DEP Fines Former Pittsfield Gas Station Owner $4,500Staff Reports, 11:36AM / Tuesday, March 02, 2010 | |
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has fined the property owner of a former gasoline station and auto repair facility for his failure to clean up known contamination on his property.
Anthony J. Crea, who owns the property at 483 West Housatonic St., was fined $4,500. According to MassDEP, Crea failed to undertake cleanup actions in response to multiple notices at the site, where a number of businesses currently operate.
Following several notices sent to Crea dating back to 2002, MassDEP entered into a consent order with Crea in November 2008. The agreement required the completion of response actions by April 15, 2009. After
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House Gives Initial Approval to Jobless Insurance Rate ChangesBerkshire Chamber of Commerce, 03:09PM / Thursday, February 04, 2010 | |
The Berkshire Chamber passed on this information:
The state House budget committee on Thursday approved an unemployment insurance rate freeze bill that aides say would hit employers with per-employee average increase of $110 per year but spare businesses from a rate schedule with even higher rates. More Massachusetts residents have been relying on the fund during the recession for cash benefits and the fund will need years of federal loans to keep benefits flowing.
Unemployment in Massachusetts hit 9.4 percent in December. Patrick administration officials said last year they were considering a rate relief plan but no proposal has been filed and steep unemployment insurance
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