Digitial First Puts Vermont News Buildings on the MarketStaff Reports, 11:13PM / Tuesday, August 19, 2014 | |
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Digital First Media, owner of New England Newspapers, is shedding itself of more real estate.
On the market along with The Berkshire Eagle Clocktower building are the locations of its three Vermont papers: Bennington Banner, the Brattleboro Reformer ($850,000) and the weekly Manchester Journal ($275,00).
The company announced on Tuesday it was putting 51 properties more properties on the market, for a total of 70 with a value of about $85 million, according to reports in the Denver Post, DFM's flagship paper.
In a press release from Twenty Lakes Holdings, the company's real estate management firm, posted on Poynter, Steve Rossi, president
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Ferrin Gallery Sells For $160K at AuctionBy Andy McKeever, 02:59PM / Tuesday, April 09, 2013 | |
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The former Ferrin Gallery on North Street sold for $160,000 at auction on Tuesday.
Only a few people showed up for the 11 a.m. auction and there was only one bidder. While bids opened at $140,000, the sole bidder offered $160,000 when it was clear no one else was going to jump in.
The buyer refused to provide any information but left with representatives from the People's United Bank, the mortgageholder.
Aaron Posnik Auctioneers managed the short auction. The building features two commercial/condominium spaces. The Ferrin Gallery most recently occupied it as the 0 Comments Read More >> |
Williamstown Broker Joins Burnham Gold Real Estate03:00PM / Monday, March 18, 2013 | |
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — Kim Burnham and Rebecca Gold have announced the expansion of Burnham Gold Real Estate with the addition of Tom Elder.
Established in April 2011, Burnham Gold is located at 191 Water St. and focuses on residential, commercial, land and rental properties.
Elder, a longtime real estate broker with Elder and Associates, joined the firm as of March 18. A resident of Williamstown, he is a past president of the Northern Berkshire YMCA and past board member of Northern Berkshire Regional Hospital.
He has also served on both the Board of Realtors and the Board of Multiple Listing Services. He enjoys working with sellers and buyers of
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Real Estate Partnership Buys Travel Store Building02:50PM / Wednesday, December 12, 2012 | |
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The well-known Travel Store location at 616-620 Main St. was sold to K&J Holdings LLC, a real estate investment and property management partnership, on Dec. 3 for $350,000.
The seller was Claudine R. Auge, owner of the Travel Store. It was built in 1969 and is just over 2,000 square feet with rear parking.
"We're excited about the property," said Allen Jezouit of K&J in a press release. "It is a great location within easy walking distance to the Williams College campus and Spring Street."
The Travel Store will continue operations on the first floor and Berkshire Direct, a local marketing agency, will be relocating
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Two Real Estate Agencies Open in WilliamstownStaff Reports, 06:47PM / Wednesday, May 11, 2011 | |
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The town is getting two new real estate offices, both of which happened to schedule their open houses at almost the same time on Thursday evening, May 12.
The newest venture is among business partners Kim Burnham and Rebecca Gold, along with Judy Giamborino, who said they are excited to announce their new business Burnham Gold Real Estate. All three had been involved with Williamstown Realty, which closed after principal Michael J. Zeppieri decided to pursue a venture on Cape Cod and put the Water Street building up for sale in March.
Now located at 191
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Bill Schmick separates the bull from the bears in his weekly columns on investing and market wrap-ups.