Berkshire Bank Acquiring 20 Bank of America Branches03:04PM / Wednesday, July 24, 2013 | |
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The county's largest bank is getting bigger with the addition of 20 retail bank branches in New York.
Berkshire Bank, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hills Bancorp. Inc., has entered into a purchase-and-assumption agreement for bank branches from Bank of America. The branches are located in New York markets within or contiguous to markets currently served by Berkshire.
The acquired branches have approximately $640 million in total deposits and $5 million in loans. Both banks will be working to ensure a seamless transition for customer accounts; employees will transfer over to Berkshire Bank.
This acquisition is subject to regulatory approval from
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Common Good Finance Gets Google GrantStaff Reports, 05:39PM / Monday, December 12, 2011 | | ASHFIELD, Mass. — The nonprofit Common Good Finance has received a more than a $100,000 a year in free advertising and other services through a Google Grant.
The organization is set to launch its R Credit initiative next year in Greenfield. The "R" in R Credits stands for "Regenerative, Revolutionary, and taking Responsibility" for the local economy.
"It combines features from successful alternative credit systems, adding technology innovations and procedures to ensure a secure, profitable experience for everyone," said William Spademan, president of Common Good Finance, in a statement.
The system is somewhat similar to Berkshares in that it 0 Comments Read More >> |
Financial Writer Weiner Speaking at AIERStaff Reports, 01:11AM / Sunday, September 12, 2010 | |
GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — The Bookloft and the American Institute for Economic Research are sponsoring an event with financial journalist and local author Eric J. Weiner. Weiner will be at AIER's headquarters Friday, Sept. 24, at 7 p.m. to speak and to sign copies of his new book "The Shadow Market," published by Scribner.
America's economic confidence has been deeply shaken by the Great Recession. But while the media has focused on such factors as consumer-debt levels, unemployment, and the government bailout of banks, an entirely different phenomenon has arisen — the arrival of the "Shadow Market," a multitrillion-dollar network of super-rich, secretive,
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Crane Gives $100 Bill High-Tech TouchStaff Reports, 02:04PM / Wednesday, April 21, 2010 | |
DALTON, Mass. — Crane & Co. officials were on hand this morning as the new $100 bill was unveiled in the U.S. Treasury Department's Cash Room in Washington. The Dalton printer has been making the specialized paper for the nation's folding currency for more than 100 years.
The bill includes a variety of high-tech additions to help defeat counterfeiting; the U.S. $100 bill is the most widely counterfeited note.
Find out the cool things happening on the new $100 bill.
"As the supplier of the paper used to produce the redesigned $100 bill, Crane & Co.
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Legacy Acquiring Renaissance InvestmentStaff Reports, 04:57PM / Monday, April 05, 2010 | |
Legacy Banks is entering into a "strategic affiliation" with Renaissance Investment Group LLC of Pittsfield.
The bank, one of the largest in the county, said it plans to purchase 10-year-old Renaissance, making it a wholly-owned subsidiary. According to a statement, Renaissance will continue as an independent investment adviser and will operate separately and distinctly from Legacy Portfolio Management.
Legacy Chairman J. Williar Dunleavy said the investment is a win-win, since both companies will be able offer clients alternatives in financial counseling and investment management.
Renaissance President and Managing Director H. Ashley Smith Jr. said the company's
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