Winstanley Wins Big at Annual ADDY Awards07:33PM / Friday, March 21, 2014 | |
LENOX, Mass. – Recording the most wins of any single agency of the evening, Winstanley Partners garnered four gold and 10 silver ADDY awards this month at the annual competition sponsored by the American Advertising Federation and hosted by the Albany AdClub in New York.
The ADDY awards honor creative work in the fields of marketing and advertising in several forms, ranging from print design to television, web, and radio production to elements of advertising, such as logo design and photography.
Winstanley Partners, based in the Berkshires, earned its awards for work completed in 2013 for a wide range of clients, both national and local. The agency competed against other
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Winstanley Nationally Competing to Win $10K for Berkshire Theatre Group10:20AM / Thursday, July 11, 2013 | |
LENOX, Mass. — Sports brackets and the performing arts are rarely mentioned in the same sentence, but this summer, marketing agency Winstanley Partners is trying to win $10,000 for the Berkshire Theatre Group in a national endeavor dubbed "Social Madness."
In March when most people were paying attention to the NCAA brackets, Winstanley Partners entered Social Madness, a contest hosted by American City Business Journals designed to measure the social media and networking performance of companies across the country. Weeks of promotion and competition followed as the playing field narrowed to 43 businesses that will advance to the final, national round on 0 Comments Read More >> |
Toyota Honors K-M Motors for 50-Year PartnershipBy John Durkan, 06:46PM / Thursday, April 04, 2013 | |
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — A lot has changed in the last 50 years, but K-M Motors' relationship with Toyota hasn't.
For that, Toyota Regional General Manager Cooper Erickson awarded the shop with a glass trophy during a brief ceremony Thursday morning at K-M Motors' Curran Highway showroom.
"It's been a great relationship, a great product," said Dennis Dubie, owner of K-M Motors. "The relationship of Toyota and K-M has been fantastic."
Erickson credited K-M Motors, the second oldest Toyota dealership in New England, with taking the risk with Toyota, and then following through 0 Comments Read More >> |
Berkshire Trendsetters Being Honored02:48PM / Tuesday, May 29, 2012 | | PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The Berkshire Visitors Bureau and 1Berkshire will present the second annual Berkshire Trendsetter Awards on Thursday, June 7, at 6 at the Boston University Tanglewood Institute in Lenox.
The awards recognize individuals, businesses and communities for their outstanding marketing and economic development efforts in the Berkshires and will be presented as part of the Celebrate the Berkshires event.
A catered cocktail hour reception will include a preview of approximately 30 select items from the Berkshires Dream Auction. Following the reception, awards will be presented in the categories of Overall Marketing, Workforce Development, Marketing on a Shoestring, 0 Comments Read More >> |
Berkshire Chamber Names 2011 Quinn Award Winner05:22PM / Thursday, December 01, 2011 | | PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The Berkshire Chamber of Commerce has named Michael MacDonald as this year's 2011 Esther Quinn Memorial Award Winner.
The award was established in 1999 to honor the memory of Esther Quinn, former Chamber volunteer and advocate for volunteer efforts.
Candidates are judged on the basis of volunteer efforts rather than any measure of success in the field in which they normally are employed or the accomplishments or successes by an individual’s membership in one organization. The award is given to a person who lives or works in Berkshire County and shows enthusiasm, empathy and effort in making the Berkshires a better place to live and 0 Comments Read More >> |

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