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The Retired Investor: Fewer Babies Threaten Future U.S. Economic Growth.
By Bill Schmick,
04:37PM / Thursday, September 12, 2024
The fertility rate in the United States has fallen by 3 percent since 2022. That is a historic low and marks the second yearly decline in a row. How will that impact the economy?   In the simplest terms, if you have lower population growth then you will have fewer people producing goods and services. That will result in slower economic growth. But it is not the only impact. A shrinking workforce will also mean there are fewer people paying taxes.   In a country like ours that has seen decades of increased spending and higher debt, the question becomes who will pay this growing obligation.   As our deficits expand at an increasing rate, while the


The Retired Investor: Precious Metals Normally Fall in September
by Bill Schmick,
04:22PM / Thursday, September 05, 2024
As one of the best-performing areas of the financial markets this year, gold and silver have been added to many investors' portfolios. And while every dip has been used as an excuse to buy, bulls should hold off a bit when making any new purchases.   The price of gold is up more than 20 percent and silver gained over 17 percent so far this year. Despite the sector's performance, there are many portfolio managers out there who won't touch precious metals and probably never will. "Too speculative," "impossible to analyze," and "we are not in the business of gambling" are all explanations I have heard through the


The Retired Investor: How the U.S. Can Manage Its Increasing Debt Load
By Bill Schmick,
04:12PM / Thursday, August 29, 2024
U.S. deficits at $35.225 trillion are going through the roof and interest payments on our debt load account for an increasing share of gross domestic product. We are not alone in facing this trend. The question is what monetary and fiscal policymakers will do about it.   The time-honored, go-to strategy that has worked well for decades among nations in times like these is to devalue one's currency. How does that work?   Readers need to understand that the level of interest rates plays an important role in currency devaluation. For example, the U.S. dollar and U.S. interest rates work hand in hand. When traders buy dollars, they don't just keep their


The Retired Investor: Taxing Social Security Benefits Hurts Seniors
By Bill Schmick,
05:02PM / Thursday, August 22, 2024
In this election season of competing promises, one idea stands out as a good way of redistributing income from the haves to the have-nots. More than 70 million needy Americans would benefit directly by cutting federal taxes on Social Security.   Let's face it, retirees have been getting the short end of the stick for a long time. For years, with interest rates at practically zero, retired savers, unwilling to bet on the stock market, have received scanty returns on their savings.   Fast forward to the pandemic and its aftermath. Elderly Americans, if they were lucky enough to dodge serious sickness or death as the highest-risk segment of the population, they


The Retired Investor: Presidents Have a Long History of Fed Bashing
by Bill Schmick,
04:49PM / Thursday, August 15, 2024
Many on Wall Street are horrified that a presidential candidate might want to erode the independence of the Fed. Some have even called the idea the biggest threat to the U.S. economy. Any student of central bank history would beg to disagree.   We all would like to think that the Federal Reserve Bank's independence is sacrosanct. Once appointed by the president, the chairman of the Fed has the right and the duty to make decisions solely based on what is best for the economy and the labor force. The problem has been that many past presidents thought they knew best and sometimes they did.   A president can indeed both appoint and fire the Fed chair as well as

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