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The Retired Investor: Foreign Money Going Home as American Market Dominance Begins to Fall
By Bill Schmick, iBerkshires columnist
04:38PM / Thursday, March 20, 2025

The Trump administration's economic policies have placed a target on the back of most foreign nations. As for the economy, a slowdown, if not a recession, seems to be around the corner. As such, overseas investors have little reason to remain in America's financial markets.
Foreign investors represent about 17 percent of the overall holdings in the U.S. equity market and about the same in the bond market. Over the last 15 years, as I wrote in my previous column, American markets were the only game in town. While our share of the world's economy was only 27 percent, our share of the world's total investments was 70 percent.
America was perceived as being the safest place on Earth to put your money. Our currency, Treasury bonds, and stock markets are the strongest and most lucrative around the globe. In the last 80 days, however, thanks to American policy shifts and a growing realization that our debt and deficit are coming unstrung, foreign investors have been having second thoughts. 
At the same time, the administration's about-face in geopolitical terms has not only caught the rest of the world by surprise but has also called into question the future security of many of our allies including Mexico, Canada, Japan, Korea, and the European Community.
For the first time in years, there have been compelling arguments for shifting focus from the American financial markets to elsewhere. Is that a good or bad thing? It is always nice to be number one but too much of a good thing can be a negative. One must credit the president for this global shift in thinking.
As Scott Bessent, the U.S. Treasury secretary said last weekend about U.S. markets in an NBC interview, "I can tell you that corrections are healthy. They're normal. What's not healthy is straight up." Neither he nor the president has ruled out a recession this year.
Trump's tariff plans have caused a wave of self-examination. He has forced countries to re-think who besides the U.S. could offer better and more stable terms of trade in the future. His reciprocal tariffs that are going into effect in April have spurred other countries to stop talking and start planning a defense. Without his sudden about-face in U.S. support for Ukraine and rapprochement with Russia, I suspect Europe would have carried on taking our support for their economies and security for granted for another 50 years.
These nations now realize that there has been a generational change sweeping America. It is not only Donald Trump who demands a different approach to trade, politics, and security. In this new era of populism, more than half of all U.S. voters not only applaud his policies but want even more change. It has finally hit home to the rest of the world that MAGA was always about "Making America First" by beggaring everyone else.
Trump has provided a wake-up call for the EU and others. Last week, Germany's plan to massively increase spending, just announce has triggered a sea change in European policy making. Canada, who in some respects has acted like a back-water subsidiary of the U.S. for decades, has suddenly found its voice, as has Mexico.
China, after several years of declining growth, has used the U.S. trade and security initiatives as a reason to not only stimulate their economy and reach out to other countries to form trade and military alliances but also galvanize the government and private sector. Many in China believe Donald Trump's governance style has much in common with their leader, Xi Jinping. They applaud his efforts to steer the American government closer to their own authoritarian central model.
In the last month, money is fleeing U.S. markets and going home. Trump's policies have increased the total value of all businesses in China and Hong Kong by 20 percent and decreased business values in the U.S. by 10 percent. Money is fleeing US markets and going home. Chinese equities are up double digits this year, while the German stock market gained 17 percent, Italy up 15 percent, Spain 14 percent, and emerging markets are up 8 percent.
Extreme valuations may also be a factor in the recent move by foreigners to "take their money home." Based on price-to-book value and enterprise value, the U.S. premium to non-U.S. markets is above the 95th percentile and has continued to climb until now. The growth premium for U.S. stocks is what helped to justify those valuations.
If growth were to slow, as both the government and investors believe is happening now, U.S. valuations become a headwind. Investors everywhere may no longer be willing to pay lofty prices for less growth.
In addition, for America to maintain or increase its share of the world's private-equity market capitalization, which is growing every year, more and more of the world's capital would need to be allocated to the U.S. Given the policies of deliberately slowing economic growth, increasing unemployment, a falling dollar, and an expanding debt problem, why would any foreign investor want to increase their capital allocation to the U.S.? This point was driven home by this month's Bank of America Global Fund Manager Survey. It revealed the second-largest decline in U.S. growth expectations by professional investors ever as well as the largest drop in U.S. equity allocation in the history of the survey.

Bill Schmick is the founding partner of Onota Partners, Inc., in the Berkshires. His forecasts and opinions are purely his own and do not necessarily represent the views of Onota Partners Inc. (OPI). None of his commentary is or should be considered investment advice. Direct your inquiries to Bill at 1-413-347-2401 or email him at

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