Pittsfield Notice of Discharge of Untreated Wastewater02:41PM / Monday, June 26, 2023 | |
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The City Public Utilities department discovered a discharge of untreated wastewater near the Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 901 Holmes Rd.
It was determined that this discharge was caused by a power failure due to a thunderstorm in the region causing the hypo disinfection process to shut down.
The discharge began at approximately 11:20 PM on June 24 and ended at 7:20 AM on June 25.
The estimated discharge duration at the time of this notification (12:53 pm) is 8 hours.
The estimated discharge volume at the time of this notification is 3 mg, and the Housatonic River
was the impacted body of water.
This overflow consists of untreated or partially treated sewage and waste. Avoid contact with these waterbodies for 48 hours after the discharge or overflow ceases due to increased health risks from bacteria and other pollutants. This notice is required by the MassDEP 314 CMR 16.09.
This notification and future updates are posted on the Pittsfield Department of Public Utilities website.