Letter: Issues & Topics of Upcoming Dalton Special ElectionLetter to the Editor, 01:00PM / Tuesday, January 07, 2025 | |
To the Editor:
The focus of the upcoming election, like all elections, is about how best to prepare for the future of our town while minimizing the impact on taxpayers. One of those future issues that is a huge need and we are presently struggling with is a new police station.
If one has seen the videos or read the description of the working conditions our Police Department is working under, I am sure they are at minimum concerned if not completely appalled. I am amazed Chief Strout, her officers and staff manage to perform their jobs so professionally and adequately in light of the space in the Town Hall basement falling short in so many ways that impact running an effective police department of the 21st century.
I think it would be very hard to argue against the need, and I certainly don’t, for a new facility built for the needs of our department.
I commend Chief Strout for bringing these issues to the community's attention and creating the needed momentum toward creating a new complex. This was far from an easy task. We are lucky to have a very capable Safety Building Committee that in a few short months has advanced this project to the point of a feasibility study. And I commend them as well for their aggressive approach of drawing in as many resources as possible to find as much external funding as possible for this building.
I hope they are successful, because I cannot stress enough the importance of finding a way to build a new police station/safety complex without harnessing the majority of the cost on the backs of the taxpayers.
Our police station is not our only vulnerability. Out Town Hall, our DPW garage, our sewer systems, and our fire station all need attention and possibly new structures. To control costs and thereby our taxes, we need to be able to anticipate expenditures related to these needs. Annually updated 5 and 10 year plans that are so comprehensive and well thought and are followed closely will help us do that. Lee has successfully done it with great benefit, why don't we?
Getting input from many community members is important to the ultimate community satisfaction and success of projects. To obtain community engagement, I believe as a Select Board member, I would need to be easily accessible and responsive. With that goal in mind, starting today, I commit to holding weekly office hours where people can drop in to discuss any concern or issue they might have or just for an update on my perspective on the issues presently before the town or just to chat.
I will begin doing so at my campaign headquarters in the Dalton Garage at 385 Main St. every Thursday evening from 5 to 6 p.m. and will continue doing so if elected. Please check my Facebook page for additional times I will be in the office. I look forward to seeing you!
Robert EW Collins
Dalton, Mass.
Collins is a candidate for Dalton Select Board.